New Simplified Design For Quick Entry of Expenses and Bills

New Simplified Design For Quick Entry of Expenses and Bills

The screen we interact with the most on a day-to-day basis is no doubt the New Entry screens (eg Add Expense/Income).

We want to improve your experience and shave precious seconds off adding transactions, so you can continue doing the important stuff while still keeping on top of your expenses.

The main driving forces behind the improvement design - ease of use, priority flow, consistency and responsiveness.

But jargons are dry and boring, so read on for some screenshots!

[Update] Overview Update - The New, Better and Familiar

If you updated to the latest version of Expense IQ, you may have noticed that the Overview screen looks even more pleasing and welcoming! 

In accordance with the goal to simplify expense management and encourage good financial and budgeting habits, our goal has always been the same - to provide powerful features in the simplest way possible.

So what exactly has been improved?

Planning Great Holidays Even On A Budget

Planning Great Holidays Even On A Budget

Travelling for holidays used to be a luxury but now with the numerous opportunities and selections, it’s easy to travel light and travel even on tight budgets. Travelling to destinations closer to home such as Mexico, Canada or Europe have become more affordable and comfortable with shorter and direct flights.

With these following tips, you’ll be able to enjoy a fulfilling yet relaxing (on your wallet) trip for a holiday! Be a smart traveller!

Avoid Common Credit Card Mistakes

Avoid Common Credit Card Mistakes

Christmas is almost here! Did you pay for the presents with credit card(s)?

With the popularity of credit cards, many banks use very creative ways to attract customers to use their cards, offering perks such as dining discounts, cash-back schemes and reward points systems. With these schemes, the use of credit cards can offer sizable savings PROVIDED you do not make the following common mistakes. Read more and be aware of these before they happen to you.

Treat Jar Savings Method - What is it?

Treat Jar Savings Method - What is it?

The most common mistake made is savings is done AFTER you spend. This is a pretty dangerous maneuver, in that, it gives you the idea that savings is of the least priority. When you do this, your savings per paycheck becomes unpredictable and most often; you rather spend than putting those precious dollars into your savings account. 

So what is the Treat Jar method and how will it help you?

4 Easy Tricks to Cut Home Expenses

4 Easy Tricks to Cut Home Expenses

Do you have a few minutes? Would you like to save a few dollars a day (which adds up to a lot in a year)?

Here are some of our favorite tricks that can be done in a few minutes that you (and your wallet) will thank yourself taking the time out to do. Click to read more.

5 Simple Ways to Save on Daily Expenses

5 Simple Ways to Save on Daily Expenses

After managing the big expenses, you may notice that the little daily expenses still take up a decent portion of your savings at the end of the month.

Here are 5 simple tips you can think about doing without compromising your lifestyle and improve it even more than you have done.

[Update] A Quicker Way To Add Favorite Transactions

No matter how much our spending pattern differ, there will be some similarities. One of them is that there will undoubtedly be some transactions that repeat and we have to add often. For these transactions that occur way more often than some others, we want to save some taps and make them much more convenient to add. This time, we made daily transactions even quicker and easier - introducing a new card to the Overview page: "Add Favorite Transactions"!

Click to read more about this nifty little Overview Card.

[Update] Enhanced Repeating Options & Management

Previously, there was no central hub to access all your Repeating Items, which can get a little cumbersome when you have too many going on at once.

So we added a single page to see ALL your Repeating Items with quick and useful summaries for each!

In addition, new repeat options! Set to "repeat only 12 times" or repeat until a certain date!

Click to learn more about the various major enhancements to an already powerful repeating system.